Portfolio & Reporting

Actual Portfolio

This is the Portfolio as of Today, updated via Google Sheets. Asset, industry and currency allocation are also updated in real time.

Dividends and Options

We have three different graphs. One of the total sum of dividends and options, which is actually the vast majority of my monthly income, a graph for dividends and one for options only.

The idea behind this is to track in an easier way the developments of the portfolio as a whole, but also of the single components.

LH Fund Page

  1. Share price (it all started at 100, this figure it’s also the Total Return of the investment)
  2. Currency Effect on TR (I tracked it only in recent months, that would explain the flat line at the beginning). This figure shows how currencies influence my TR (Total Return).
  3. Yearly Realized Gain/Losses in stocks, options and totals (for tax purposes the two compensate when calculating taxable income)
  4. Currency Allocation of the stocks that I hold
  5. Industry Allocations
  6. Annualized NET YoC (NYYoC) and Annualized TER (Y Total Expense Ratio). YoC shows how much the portfolio returns every year in terms of Options, Dividends and Interest, in this case I made an annualized figure.

Number-wise I’d love to find a better way to report Options results, but it’s really difficult as the amount invested is never the same, so calculating Total Returns on that part of the portfolio is always hard. We’ll see if I can come up with something clever though! šŸ™‚

45 thoughts on “Portfolio & Reporting

    1. Oooohhhhh yes I am šŸ™‚ I get from your name that you are from Italy too, Drip investor as well? I have been trying to find fellow Italians who share the same investing policies…


  1. You have just found a fellow! šŸ˜„ where do you Live now?i didnt see again your portfolio Let me give a glance and then i will give my opinion.I anticipate to you that i am focused on italian stocks. Bye for now


    1. Ciao Andrea,

      thanks a lot for the comments and I am really happy to see that I have found my first Italian buddy investing in stocks! šŸ™‚
      I have to ask you one question though: is your policy of investing dividend oriented, or you just invest in stocks to make money off the price gains? It’s quite important because if your holdings are all Italian stocks I suspect that you are not really looking at dividends. Unfortunately Italian companies are not that great at dividend payments, and this is the reason why I do not have them. Having said that I am considering SAIPEM, ENEL GREEN POWER and RECORDATI as possible additions to the portfolio as they all have excellent dividend records.

      What companies do you invest in? What is the strategy behind your portfolio?

      Ciao ciao



  2. Hello, I am absolutely focused in dividend driven companies and in the long-term, because also in italy exists a good range of this kind of societies. You can really find some little gems also in italy. Obviously I prefer companies not only with good dividends, but with also a long term sustainibility to ensure growing dividends and a long term rise of the stocks value. So my strategie is very simple: maximize my investments. About my portfolio, to start: i have two stocks with a very great dividend rate (since 2 years with high satisfaction) and they are Cairo and Ascopiave (at current cost they are about at 7%). Bye for now

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ciao Andrea,
      Wow really cool! Actually I did not run extensive research on the Italian market, mostly because I find it easier to source data for the US and UK. One question though, how long have the companies where you invest been paying dividends? Have they always risen dividends through the years? If you have a list of the companies we could make an “Italian Dividend Champions” list, like they have it in other markets, that would be very good for foreign investors that know little about our market. If you are interested I can send you a mail to you address and we can discuss it there!

      Ciao ciao



      1. Ciao IIM,
        To be honest I do not think that it was ever made. There was a European Champions list but it’s not updated anymore (the author is “nomorewaffles”), sorry I cannot be of more help…
        Ciao ciao


  3. Hello, these companies were founded about 2004/2006. So they are small and new companies. Since then they payed dividends all years apart one year for every one (cairo during startup period, i think in 2005, ascopiave more recently, three years ago for economic problem (heavy loss) of owned small society. They have a good track record of dividends payments (they are oriented to dividend payment), but not always increasing, sometimes they had to maintain the same quote for balance results. Honestly I have thougt to create a blog about italian market and interesting stocks, but it requires a long work, because must to be updated every day with news, data, new deals etc etc. I am absolutely sure about the strengthen of these stocks like others, but need to check very often data. I would be curious to understand what kind of taxes will pay an foreign investor ( for example from usa or britain) on italian dividend.


    1. Ciao Andrea,
      I agree to write a full fledged blog takes a long time, but to update it not so often (like I do) it’s not that time consuming… It’s true I did not post any analysis of the companies that I am investing in, but the reality is that there are so many out there that my voice will hardly matter…
      As to the dividend payers in Italy I am sure that there are several, I do not know of them and in order to qualify for my portfolio they need to keep the dividend at least, stopping it it’s a major cause of selling for me… As to the taxes foreigners will have to pay double taxation unless there are traties in place between the two countries.
      Do you have any dividend stock that has a record of at leat 10 years without cutting/reducing the payout from the FTSEMIB? If there are I might be interested in them…


  4. In my personal portfolio I have a stock that has requirements you are looking for. Consider that at 11th year it payed a little higher dividend than 10th year. So if you consider a 10 year range is perfect (always increasing or maintaning dividends), if you do in 11 not! šŸ™‚ It is Atlantia.
    For me the payment of dividends is the result and the output of a long process, more than a pure target. Obviously i am into dividend payment but to take it, it is necessary to check the process by analysis and news. I consider it paramount, i cannot consider a guarantee of future results only the historic statistic. So i can say to you that surely on FTSEMIB or in other sector (for istance Star) you can find different stocks responding to your requirements but if it has not a convincing business, good parameters, interesting prospective trends, professional management etc etc i prefer miss it, without any complaints. Maybe my policy is more complicated or sophicasted than your’s, or simply more time consuming, but until now no regrets LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ciao Andrea, we share exactly the same policies, when it comes to investments and dividends. Of course selecting a certain stock it’s only part of the job, following them later is the other half. Of course when you buy into a business that it’s pretty solid there is no need to check every day for news, but reading balances and looking at the news is very important. It seems to me that you have a more analytic approach than me, which I really envy because I cannot seem to be able to find the time to dig down in statistics…
      I’ll scout the Italian market, I feel that it’s time that I add one or two position in my home ground šŸ™‚


  5. Just discovered your blog. Seems like a neat portfolio – some names I recognize and know have great fundamentals and warrant a position in any dividend investor’s portfolio. Some names are exclusively traded on the EU markets – which I cant trade on based on the type of account I have. Good to see your portfolio – seems nicely diversified. Thanks for sharing and I will be sure to follow your journey and add you to my reading list.

    Best wishes


    1. Ciao R2R,
      First of all thanks a lot for stopping by! I hope that the blog can be of service, I have recently started by “investing career” so right now it’s more of a collection of mistakes rather than good tips, but I love the community feel that goes around the web and I thought that my experience could be of service. šŸ™‚
      Yes I have lots of EU stocks, I try to keep it as much diversified as I can šŸ˜› I see that you are investing mostly in Canada. I’d love to buy stocks form there but my current broker doesn’t have that market on offer šŸ˜¦
      Anyhow thanks for coming and I will also add you to the blogs I follow, šŸ™‚

      Thanks and ciao!



  6. Hi there,

    I like your portfolio, you are really having a nice balance between european american stocks. I myself need to work on that. But nice to also see some dividend investors from Europe. Keep up the good work.



    1. Ciao Andy,
      Thanks for stopping by! I am trying to reduce some positions but the PF will always be divided in 3 major areas of investment, EU, UK and USA. Harder to manage for currency effects, but can give more stability… Thanks again and ciao!


  7. Hi Stalflare,

    Nice to meet you. I’m Italian too and happy to have found you. I thought Italians only write on Italian’s blogs, but I was wrong.

    Nice portfolio.

    I came across because I’m searching for a new broker, I would love someone in the EU.

    I just wrote about the great opportunities the Brexit offer and planning to buy stocks in UK this week for the first time in my life. The funny thing is today I log in my broker in HK and notice I can’t trade in UK, outch.

    As you’re familiar with UK companies, can you recommend the top three companies with great fundamentals. I prefer sector like staples, health-care, exporter and mining.

    Keep up the good work.



    1. Ciao Rudy,
      Thanks for stopping by, I am really really happy to see a fellow Italian investor with a blog too!! It’s very hard to find people like us, now with you I know 4 people, good to see that the network is expanding. To reply to your question I would personally wait a little to make a move in the UK now, I think that the beginning of the fall has just started (unfortunately), but if I have to pick 3 companies I’d go with: DIAGEO, RDSB and UNILEVER. They are quite expensive right now especially because they are defensive stocks. If you feel bold enough I’d try INTERSERVE, HSBC and VODAFONE.
      Thanks for stopping by, I’ll come and check your site immediately!
      ciao ciao


  8. Ciao, mi chiamo Loris ed anch’io seguo il tuo sistema di investimento (non Opzioni ma dividendi ^^).
    Guardando il tuo portafoglio ho notato che hai acquistato MUV2 sulla borsa francese anzichĆ© su quella tedesca…c’ĆØ una particolare ragione? Magari la tassazione del dividendo?
    Ciao e buon lavoro!


    1. Ciao Loris,
      Grazie di essere passato! šŸ™‚ Allora FRA:XXXX ĆØ la borsa di Francoforte, Google la chiama cosƬ ed io uso i loro tickers. Quella francese si chiama EPA. Comunque sempre meglio non comprare in Francia se si puĆ², perchĆØ hanno la Tobin e le imposte sulle transazioni finanziarie, oltre che alla doppia tassazione. Che titoli hai in portafoglio tu? Europei/Usa/UK o solo Europa?
      Ciao ciao



  9. Ciao, grazie della risposta, quando ho visto FRA e MUV2 ho pensato subito ad un modo x poter almeno ā€œlimareā€ sta maledetta ritenuta allā€™origine sul dividendoā€¦vabbĆØā€¦
    Al momento ho solo MUV2 come titolo europeo, il mio portafoglio ĆØ x il 50% USA ed il restante fra UK, Canada, Europa e fondi di ā€œsicurezzaā€, non ho titoli ITA xā€™ proprio le azioni italiane non mi piacciono.
    Grazie ancora x il chiarimento, aspetto il tuo prossimo post!
    CIAO, Loris!


    1. Sie! Ci mancherebbe! šŸ™‚ X i titoli del bel paese ero anche io detrattore finchĆØ non ho capito che ci sono “poche” realtĆ  per chi investe in ottica dividendi, ma qualcuna ce n’ĆØ e chiaramente hai meno ritenute. Canada in dollari canadesi o tramite NYSE? Cosa hai un UK, sono curioso perchĆØ ĆØ un mercato sul quale faccio piu fatica a reperire informazioni…


  10. Canada in dollari canadesi, x diversificare un pochino la valuta, RY, TD, BMO, BNS, RNW e AD (circa 7% del portafoglio), in Inghilterra UNILEVER, DGE, BATS, IMB, ASHMORE, VOD, GSK e AZN (Circa 12%).
    Vero, fuori da USA e Canada reperire informazioni CHIARE ĆØ molto piu’ complicato e ci arrabatta come si puo’ fra vari forum od esperienze personali.
    CIAO! ^^


  11. WFC..cosa ne pensi? Non l’ho in portafoglio e vedo che tu credi molto nel titolo…la tua idea ĆØ ancora cosƬ dopo le ultime vicissitudini?
    Vero che in un’ottica di 5+, 10+ o piu’ anni ancora questi sono sassolini nella scarpa ma la quotazione depressa x un colosso del genere potrebbe creare un ottimo punto di entrata..


  12. Ciao Loris,
    Ottime scelte su UK (ashmore non lo conosco perĆ²…), i Canadesi non li seguo percui non saprei… Ma avere 2 valute giĆ  ĆØ complesso di suo, la terza non mi va di aggiungerla… Per WFC secondo me ĆØ un problema passeggero, si inserisce in un pessimo momento (le elezioni), ma sebbene abbiano fatto una cavolata i fondamentali della banca rimangono validi. sto valutando se entrare nuovamente, ma devo anche vedere il bilanciamento dei PF. Se non l’avessi gia in PF la prenderei al volo, sa un 2% NETTO di dividendo con la doppia tassazione.
    Ciao ciao


    1. Ciao Mario! Secondo me sarĆ  molto sotto pressione con il cambio cosi sfavorevole perchĆØ il petrolio lo pagano in pounds quindi nel breve probabilmente avranno maggiori perdite. Furono una delle compagnie che per prime dissero di voler andare via dall’Inghilterra in caso di Brexit. Comunque lo conosco poco come titolo, le linee aeree non mi piacciono tantissimo come modello di business.
      Ciao ciao


  13. Ciao
    What broker do you use to DRIP?
    I am currently with Degiro but they dont do DRIP and its a pain having to actively manage the reinvesment


    1. Ciao Owen,
      I use Interactive Brokers, but I do not DRIP on the stocks I own, so I actively manage the reinvestments, but to me that’s not a huge problem so it’s ok to do it. Thanks for stopping by!


  14. Ciao Mario,
    Ne hanno fatte di tutti i colori, uno degli investimenti peggiori che ho al momento. L’azienda sarebbe anche molto interessante, diversificata internazionalmente e molto aggressiva, ma pagano un grosso errore a Glasgow dove hanno subito la rescissione del contratto dalla municipalitĆ  per un impianto di smaltimento rifiuti (colpe loro sembrerebbe), l’addio dell’AD e il pound molto debole (e tutto il settore costruzioni che ĆØ crollato). Stessa sorte per Carillion. Vedremo cosa succederĆ , finchĆ© tengono il dividendo intatto rimango investito comunque.
    Ciao e grazie di essere passato!


  15. Stlaflare carissimo buongiorno,

    ti ho scritto in passato (sono Antonio e se non ricordo male sei di Firenze vero?), e sono tornato nel tuo blog per leggere tutte le tue novita’ finanziarie:

    avrei da farti due domande che stuzzicano la mia curiosita’:

    1)a cosa e’ dovuto il salto del monte dividendi dal 2016 al 2017 passati da 11222 a 20588 euro?
    2)da quanti anni investi con l’approcio dividend stocks?immagino che il tuo portfolio abbia la stessa eta’ sempre che abbia iniziato sin dall’inizio ad investire con la medesima strategia d’investimento.
    3)SEI UN AUTENTICO GRANDE! tornero’ piu’ spesso rispetto al passato a leggere e commentare sul tuo blog;

    grazie di tutto e buona giornata,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ciao Antonio,

      Certo che mi ricordo, ĆØ un piacere rileggerti, si sono quello di Firenze šŸ™‚

      1. Intanto una precisazione, il dato che vedi ĆØ il TOTALE tra dividendi ed opzioni, il salto ĆØ avvenuto grazie all’operativitĆ  su queste ultime, la crescita dei dividendi ĆØ riportata nelle statistiche ma ĆØ in tono “minore” (se cosi possiamo dire).

      2. Ho cominciato il 16 Dicembre 2014 per l’esattezza, ed ho cominciato come un “DGIer” puro, ho poi aggiunto le opzioni alla metĆ  nel 2016.

      3. Grazie dei complimenti, ma c’e’ gente piu brava di me eh! šŸ™‚ Comunque mi fa piacere di avere un’altro follower nostrano, e se hai qualsiasi domanda, come sempre, chiedi pure!

      Ciao e a presto,


  16. te lo posso dare un consiglio fraterno non richiesto? limita alle opzioni il capitale che dedichi al gratta e vinci e separa i conti trading da quelli di investimento!

    un abbraccione , caro!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eh praticamente darei alle opzioni 0 euro… šŸ™‚ Non ti piacciono le opzioni, ne deduco… Ma guarda che sono uno strumento molto interessante eh! (difficile ma interessante)!
      Separare i conti era qualcosa che pensavo di fare, ma purtroppo mi costerebbe il doppio poi gestire la reportistica sulle tasse italiane, per questo motivo rimangono appiccicati! šŸ™‚
      ciao ciao


    1. Eh ma la mia strategia non ĆØ proprio quella di vendere NTM, uso sistemi abbastanza difensivi e tesi solo ad efficientare il capitale investito (nella maggior parte dei casi). PerĆ² mi ci vuole un post a parte per spiegare la strategia… šŸ˜›


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